Cohen Robert , Miller Judith NorthStar Reading and Writing 5 MyEnglishLab. International Edition

NorthStar Reading and Writing 5 MyEnglishLab. International Edition
Автор: Cohen Robert , Miller Judith
Оформитель: Леон Мартынычев
Год печати: 0000
Ответственный редактор - Кардашев Харламп Владиславович
Цикл - NorthStar Reading and Writing
Обьем книги - 654
В формате - pdf, fb2, txt, epub

Описание к книге: NorthStar Reading and Writing 5 MyEnglishLab. International Edition

NorthStar, Fourth Edition, a five-level series, engages students through authentic and compelling content and empowers them to achieve their academic and personal goals. The approach to critical thinking in both the Reading/Writing and Listening/Speaking strands challenges students to move beyond basic comprehension to higher-level analysis.

Conceptualized to promote critical thinking, NorthStar infuses analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and application throughout every lesson, not just in a critical thinking section like in other series. Скачать fb2 Cohen Robert , Miller Judith NorthStar Reading and Writing 5 MyEnglishLab. International Edition.

  • Cohen Robert , Miller Judith NorthStar Reading and Writing 5 MyEnglishLab. International Edition

  • Cohen Robert , Miller Judith NorthStar Reading and Writing 5 MyEnglishLab. International Edition
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